Residency Hadrien Pellereau

Residency Hadrien Pellereau


Open Studio by artist in-residence Hadrien Pellereau Wednesday June 21 to Saturday June 24, at 32Bis

Le 32Bis is delighted to invite you to the open studio of Hadrien Pellerau from June 21 to 24, 2023. The artist will present the results of his research and materials experiments during his residency at 32Bis. It will also be an opportunity to discover the participants' work, he accompanied, during the three-day workshop from June 14 to 17.

Hadrien Pellereau is a young artist who graduated from Villa Arson. His main material is plaster, which he combines with the different forms of everyday life objects. During his residency, the young artist explores molding techniques that he combines with new materials he found in Tunis.

Whether imprinted or integrated directly into the model, dyed or white, plaster takes on new shapes, releasing it from its characters.

The residency is organized in partnership with Villa Arson.